There is a Calendar of events and activities at the Community Gardens on the current activities page of our website
You can drop into the Community Gardens at any point during our opening hours to have a look around and to buy our organic produce. You don’t have to buy anything or be taking part in a specific activity to visit, you’re really welcome to come and look around, there’s always lots to see. We have lots of outside seats if you want to bring a drink / food – it’s a really calm place to unwind.
We have volunteering sessions at several points during the week and various different activities, groups and seasonal workshops as well as bigger community events (when we can do these).
Click here to see our latest newsletter.
Current weekly activities include:
Volunteering sessions -Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday All sessions are either 10-12 or 1-3 Phone us on 0115 9867777 to arrange your first session.
Cook and Eat – our really popular Tuesday morning Cook and Eat sessions; please enquire at the gardens if you would like a place, these sessions fill up fast.
Kids Club – Thursdays 3.15 – 5pm, free after school sessions, contact the gardens to enquire about places.
Arkwright Artists – every Friday 10.30-12.00 social group for the over 60s, get together and create artwork inspired by the Gardens, free to attend.
Family sessions – Join us each Saturday for our friendly family sessions; children and their parents / carers together can explore nature, gardening, the seasons and many things that the community gardens has to offer. Free sessions for children and their families (adults must stay with children), no need to book, drop in. Donations welcome towards refreshments and resources. You can drop in anytime during the session, the sessions run between 10.30am and 1pm
Other events, activities, workshops and drop in sessions:
We run lots of different activities and events on site and also in the local community – details are on our Facebook page as well as in the latest news section of this website.
Latest News from the Gardens can be found on the blog page of our website on this link: Latest News
Light Night – this year our Light Night event is Saturday March 1st, 6.15 – 8.15
Evening yoga classes Another block of sessions will be starting on Monday evenings at 6.30pm from September 9th, £5 per session with the great Ann Gornall Yoga. Mixed abilities and beginners welcome. To book a place, please message Ann at
Family Sessions
/0 Comments/in Services /by adminWe have weekly family sessions running, Saturdays 10.30am – 1.00pm
Kid’s Club
/0 Comments/in Services /by adminEvery Thursday we run Kid’s Club on the gardens, offering creative and physical play activities in a fun and friendly atmosphere for 5-13 year olds.
In the Garden Now
/0 Comments/in Services /by adminA brief month by month guide to the Community Gardens.
Veg Boxes
/0 Comments/in Services /by adminOrder our wonderful fresh organic produce
Venue Hire
/0 Comments/in Services /by adminOur lovely garden room as well as our community garden and polytunnel make a great alternative venue for meetings, training days, workshops or exercise classes.
/0 Comments/in Services /by adminHundreds of people volunteer at AMC Gardens each year. We are run by a committee of management volunteers who are elected by our local members. As well as our regular gardening volunteers, we have publicity volunteers and events volunteers. From performing at shows, to running a raffle or feeding the hens, volunteers have a tremendous variety of roles.