Tuesday Lunch Club is proving really popular, it’s fantastic sharing a freshly made meal with so many of you – thanks so much to everyone who comes along.
In the last few weeks there’s been lots of wild garlic in the delicious meals – it’s in season right now so we’re enjoying adding it to as many things as possible!    There’s been potato and pea soup and wild garlic soda bread, macaroni cheese with lots of wild garlic and fresh green salad with leaves and spring onions from the garden.
If you’d like to come along it’s just £2 for lunch, we eat at 12 but come and socialise in our lovely Garden Room (or in the garden if the weather’s nice) any time from 10.30.  And if you fancy cooking let us know and we’ll add you to our list of budding chefs!
Booking essential, call 0115 9867777